Term Expires 2027
Snake River Education Foundation
Technology Advisory Committee
North Moreland
Term Expires 2025
Library Board Liaison
SR Activities Foundation
Control of the policies, employees and schools in Snake River School District #52 rests with its Board of Education. The Board’s five voting members are elected by school patrons and the board’s control of the district is subject only to limitations imposed by law and the will of voters. Each board member serves a four-year term.
The public is welcome at all meetings of the board. Meetings follow the guidance of the Idaho Open Meetings Law, which allows the board to hold executive sessions to discuss personnel or legal matters. Executive sessions are closed to the public and to school personnel; however, any discussion must be confined to these areas and any action resulting from the discussion must be taken when the board reconvenes in open session in a public vote.
Regularly scheduled meetings of the Snake River District #52 Board are typically held on the third Wednesday of each month, at 7:00 p.m. in the community room at the Snake River Community Library at 924 West Highway 39, Blackfoot, Idaho (unless otherwise posted). Notices of Special Board Meetings will be posted within 24 hours of the meeting; unless an emergency exists, and then they will be posted to give as much notice as possible.
The board chairman and superintendent prepare each meeting’s agenda, which follows an established format. Items may be placed on the agenda to provide information or for possible board action. If the item requires formal action, legally the board can only act on it if it has been included or added to that meeting’s agenda. Anyone wishing to have an item on the agenda should contact the Superintendent’s Office no later than one week prior to the scheduled meeting for it to be discussed.