Special Services

Special Education & IEP


NOTICE: Snake River School District #52 Special Education files from 1999 to 2006 are no longer needed to provide documentation of education services. As a student, parent or guardian you can now take possession of your records for your own reference. It should be noted that parts of these records can be used when applying for SSI or other disability compensation. Contact the District Office 684-3001 by May 15, 2012 if you have interest in these records. After that date the records will be destroyed.


504 Plan Information

A 504 Plan helps a child with special care needs to fully participate in school. Usually, a 504 Plan is used by a general education student who is not eligible for special education services. 504 Plan lists accommodations related to the child’s disability and required by the child so that he or she may participate in the general classroom setting and educational programs. For example, a 504 Plan may include:

  • Plans to make a school wheelchair-accessible
  • Your child’s assistive technology needs during the school day
  • Permission for your child to type assignments instead of writing them by hand
  • Permission for your child to hand in assignments late due to illness or a hospital stay

In developing a 504 plan, what should the process include?


A school evaluation

We have qualified professionals that will help with the school evaluation.


Professional Letter

A letter from your child’s PCP describing the disability, chronic illness, related problems and needed medications and/or treatments



Identification of the accommodations to be provided – physical and instructional (this depends on your child’s condition).


Periodic Review

The 504 Plan is reviews and re-evaluated as needed or if anything changes.

If you need more information regarding 504 plans, please contact Bryn Katseanes, Special Services Coordinator katsbryn@snakeriver.org


Child Find Appointment is designed to identify children who may have individual needs that result for disabilities or developmental delays.

Moreland Elementary School

Appointment is Needed

Contact Terisa Wood

(208) 684-5115

Potential Concerns:

  •  Physically Handicapped
  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Emotionally Disturbed
  • Chronically Ill
  • Visual/Auditory Handicap
  • Speech Impairments
  • Developmentally Delayed

For (3 - 5 years old) a delay in one or more of the following areas:

  • Receptive Language
  • Expressive Language
  • Cognitive Abilities
  • Gross/Fine Motor
  • Social/Emotional or Adaptive

General Guidelines for Children:

Did your child?

  • By 6 months: sit up, hold objects, and vocalize attitudes
  • By 1 year: stand, pick up small objects, use single words
  • By 2 years: walk well, sort objects, some two-word sentences
  • By 3 years: climb stairs, cut with scissors, ask simple questions
  • By 4 years: balance on one foot, cut out basic shapes, tell age
  • By 5 years: hop, skip, draw simple shapes, tell a story

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